Principal Luke Hubbert
Thornleigh West Public School is located in a magnificent position overlooking bushland in Sydney's northern suburbs. It is an area renowned for its natural beauty. Founded in 1961, it is situated on traditional Aboriginal Darug Guringai land. Our school is fortunate enough to have a wonderful community of students, with 30% of students coming from language backgrounds other than English.
We have over 25 nationalities represented t our school. Thornleigh West Public school has a strong sense of community which is actively promoted and valued. Our school encourages students, staff and the wider community to work together as a team to enhance the learning experiences of all students. We do this through quality teaching and learning, a positive environment and community participation.
Developing resilience, building relationships and a love of learning are the cornerstones upon which everything we do is built. Our learning environment reflects current educational research and theory. TWPS ensures student engagement, motivation and nurtures curiosity. The band, music, dance and sports programs are acknowledged as being exceptional.
Click on the link below to see our School Plan.
TWPS School Plan (pdf 262 KB)
Principal's Message
Thornleigh West Public School encourages all students and teachers to develop their potential by supporting personal and academic excellence. The school provides a quality, well-balanced education. Each student's curiosity is nurtured and success is celebrated.
TWPS honors and promotes the values of Public Education, keeping them an intrinsic part of all teaching and learning programs. Teachers are architects of learning and engagement is a crucial part of learning. We maintain high expectations of our staff and students, with all of us working cooperatively to achieve outstanding educational outcomes for each individual student. Quality teaching and learning programs are implemented across all Key Learning Areas, ensuring the development of the whole child.
TWPS prides itself on fostering a positive and caring environment where each child is recognised and supported for his/her individual learning needs.
Our school works in close partnership with our parents and community through decision-making processes and active involvement in a range of school activities. This congruence between home and school is paramount.
Our vision
Thornleigh West Public School inspires learners to be confident communicators and leaders who strive for personal and academic excellence.
TWPS builds a community of lifelong learners who think critically, are knowledgeable and problem solve. Learners are creative, innovative and resourceful.
TWPS empowers students to be confident and compassionate world citizens who embrace diversity and social justice. The collaborative school community values positive and productive partnerships that promote a sense of belonging.
Luke Hubbert
Strong community support underpins the commitment of staff and parents to excellence at Thornleigh West Public School. Our school is committed to the vision that "All Students Will Learn Well" in an environment which fosters self-esteem as a learner and person, thinking and understanding, self direction as a learner and person, concern for others and furthering of skills in problem-solving, communication, decision-making, accountability and group process.