Our school garden began as a dusty, forlorn patch beside our After School Care Classroom. Each day hundreds of little feet pounded across this patch, raising dust and not much else! Seven years ago we began a project to transform this patch into our school garden. A Green Thumbs Garden Team led by a few dedicated and committed parents, helped us create our beautiful vegetable and herb garden. The After School Care staff and children have also supported and assisted us in organizing the school garden. Raised beds and an outdoor sink and water tank were installed, we then built a covered outdoor seating area and a sturdy table. Teachers and students can use this area as an outdoor classroom. We have active compost bins which have proved effective in reducing our food waste in the school as well as teaching our students the importance of reducing and recycling. We continue to add to the garden as our needs grow and as the garden evolves.
Each term we hold a working bee to clear the garden and compost the beds ready for the next season's crop. Students and teachers are involved in planting a fresh crop of herbs and veggies according to the seasons and eagerly await harvest time. This is always a highlight for the children. They love eating what they have grown. At times we have been able to give surplus veggies to our parents who are always delighted to receive fresh produce that their children have grown.
The garden provides a welcoming and calming space for many children where they are free to happily water the plants or look for worms and butterflies. Visit our school at any recess or lunchtime and you will find children pottering in the garden.
Our school garden relies totally on the ongoing support and commitment of our wonderful Green Thumbs Team. Students and teachers value their support and vision.